Waterlife Church is committed to building strong marriages, therefore, we want to do everything possible to help a man and a woman develop a solid foundation from the very beginning of their marriage commitment.  We view the agreement to perform a wedding ceremony as more of a partnership than a one-time event. Our responsibility in this partnership is to provide the tools for building a strong marriage and to give clear direction concerning the scriptural guidelines that God has established for marriage. We believe that God created the marriage covenant, and He has given us basic principles and guidelines that will help us experience joy and fulfillment in marriage. The application of these principles, in accordance with this policy, will help participants to have a wonderful wedding experience as well as increase the potential for a strong and healthy marriage. The following requirements for any man and woman desiring to be married by a Waterlife pastor have been established. 

  • A minimum of four months preparation time

This allows time to complete the premarital counseling class. However, four months does not allow much time for a marriage in the midst of preparing for a wedding. Therefore, it is recommended that couples commit to a longer preparation time than the four-month minimum, if possible. 

Regular attendance at Waterlife during the four-month preparation time

If a meaningful partnership is to be developed between the engaged couple and the Waterlife family, it is important for the couple to know the church and what it stands for. Therefore, it is required that the couple attends a weekend service at least twice per month during the four-month preparation period. 

  • Completion of the marriage preparation counseling

We believe this to be a valuable experience in developing tools for a lasting, fulfilling marriage. The couple will be required to go through all sessions before the wedding.

  • Completion of Financial Class/Financial Coaching

We believe that handling money God’s way is a powerful tool to bless marriages and families. The couple will be required to take the class and work with a coach.

  • A believer should only marry another believer

Scripture is clear that those who have given their lives to Christ and live in relationship with Him should not be joined together with someone who has not also been transformed by Jesus Christ. For this reason, we will not conduct a wedding that joins a Christian together with a non-Christian. (1 Cor 7:39; 2 Cor 6:14-16; 1 Jn 5:1-5)

  • If either party is divorced

At least one year of legal divorce must pass before considering remarriage. A new relationship should not be pursued until the potential for a healthy reconciliation has been exhausted and time for personal healing and recovery has passed.

(1 Cor. 7:10-11)